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"Multiple sclerosis care units in Latin America: Consensus recommendations about its objectives and functioning implementation. J Neurol Sci."

Investigación y Educación

"Objective Currently, there are several reasons to promote worldwide the concept of multiple sclerosis care units (MSCU) for a better management of affected patients. Ideally, the MSCU should have some human and technical resources that distinguish and improve the care of affected patients; however, local, and regional aspects should be considered when recommending how these units should operate. The objective of these consensus recommendations was to review how MSCU should work in Latin America to improve long-term outcomes in MS patients.

Conclusions: The recommendations of these consensus guidelines attempt to optimize the health care and management of MS patients by setting how MSCU should work in our region."

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"Multiple sclerosis care units in Latin America: Consensus recommendations about its objectives and functioning implementation. J Neurol Sci."

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